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prev. page next page / HOME / Workarounds / IfaW - IfaM /[One-liner: webserver]

Run a python one-liner webserver to grab files - last modified 2021-02-23

logo - workaround

NOT TO BE USED AT PRODUCTIVE SYSTEMS! You have to read, understand and accept the disclaimer .

Sometimes one needs to access resources from a linux-machine, where you do not want to setup a permanent share of some kind.

As python is preinstalled at all relevant linux distros, one can make use of a basic built-in webserver to temporarily share files. It's enough to switch to a directory one needs to access at the host and run there a python one-liner.

With python 2 run:

python2 -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080

With python 3 run:

python3 -m http.server 8080

Note: you should not need - and try to avoid - to run the command using sudo, as this would make root being the owner of the temporary webserver.

A short test using a web-browser at the host-machine should list the related files/folders for: http://localhost:8080

Using the IP (or a resolvable name) of the host-machine, adding the used port (8080) to the url http://<the-host-machine>:8080 will list files and subdirectories for downloaded the same way at the client.

To stop/interrupt the webserver, it's enough to press CTRL+C at the host-machine.

WARNING/HINT: the simple webserver will be exposed to all network interfaces. Thus it should NOT be used at machines being exposed to the internet.

If the firewall at the host-machine is blocking incoming connections, you could temporarily turn off the firewall, grab your files, and turn the firewall back ON again afterwards.

systemd firewalld service commands

#check firewall-state
sudo systemctl status firewalld.service

# turn firewall off
sudo systemctl stop firewalld.service

#turn firewall on
sudo systemctl start firewalld.service


ufw - systemd service commands

#check firewall-state
sudo systemctl status ufw.service

# turn firewall off
sudo systemctl stop ufw.service

#turn firewall on
sudo systemctl start ufw.service


ufw - (older) service commands

#check firewall-state
sudo service ufw status

# turn firewall off
sudo service ufw  stop

#turn firewall on
sudo service ufw start


Good luck - have fun.

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